His life, shrouded in mystery, offers plenty of room for speculation and fantasy: Large parts of Giovanni Antonio Pandolfi Mealli’s biography lie in unexplored and now probably also unexplorable darkness; he appears in various places, first secured in Innsbruck in 1660, then in Upper and Central Italy, he is preceded by a legendary reputation as a violin virtuoso, he publishes violin works, apparently without worrying about a stringent opus narrative, and the dramatic climax probably comes when he kills a fellow musician in a quarrel in Messina in 1675 and then flees to France and finally to Madrid. His sonatas are no less fascinating: To many they did indeed seem ‘baroque’, i.e. overloaded and bizarre, but today we recognise in them a fascinating link between the virtuoso Italian and the southern German-Austrian baroque instrumental style, with its typical harsh contrasts and surprise effects. Daniel Sepec and his colleagues present them with their usual precision.

Giovanni Antonio Pandolfi Mealli (1624-1687)
6 Sonatas Op. 3
1. Sonata Prima: La Stella 4:30
2. Sonata Seconda: La Cesta 7:03
3. Sonata Terza: La Melana 5:37
4. Sonata Quarta: La Castella 7:25
5. Sonata Quinta: La Clemente 8:34
6. Sonata Sesta: La Sabbatina 7:31
7. Il Raimono, Capriccetto “Al Sig. D. Pietro Raimondo” 3:35
8. Il Mauritio, Capriccetto 3:47
9. Il Catalano, Capriccetto 6:43
10. Il Monforti, Balletto 1:20
Total time CD 1: 56:09
6 Sonatas Op. 4
1. Sonata Prima: La Bernabea 6:19
2. Sonata Seconda: La Viviana 5:42
3. Sonata Terza: La Monella Romanesca 6:12
4. Sonata Quarta: La Biancuccia 7:58
5. Sonata Quinta: La Stella 4:51
6. Sonata Sesta: La Vinciolina 6:56
Total time CD 2: 38:01
Total time CD 1 + CD 2: 1:34:10

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