Ein Kind geborn zu Bethlehem
Capricornus Ensemble Stuttgart
Edition: Authentic Performance
Booklet: de / en
Media: CD / Download
COV 92320
Capricornus Ensemble Stuttgart
Jessica Jans ⋅ Sopran / soprano
Daniel Schreiber ⋅ Tenor / tenor
Katharina Heutjer, Eva Saladin ⋅ Violine / violin
Christine Wiegräbe ⋅ Violoncello / cello
Judith Meng, Florian Helbich, Yosuke Kurihara ⋅ Posaune / trombone
Matthias Spaeter ⋅ Erzlaute / archlute
Simon Reichert ⋅ Orgel / organ
Henning Wiegräbe ⋅ Posaune und Leitung / trombone & direction
The two competitors had a few things in common: Johann Hermann Schein was born in Dresden in 1586, one year after Heinrich Schütz. Similar to Schütz, the Dresden court conductor for many years, he was accepted into the Dresden court orchestra as a choirboy, where he received a solid musical education. And he became very successful as a composer. Around 1600, a transformation took place that originated in Italy: the invention of the basso continuo, the development of solo singing, a freer approach to counterpoint, the emergence of opera and much more. These innovations were received in the German-speaking world: through the sale of Italian printed music, the private acquisition and distribution of music, the employment of Italian musicians, trips to Italy. Schein made an important contribution to this development by combining these radically new Italian ideas with the German style.
Ein Kind geborn zu Bethlehem Music by Johann Hermann Schein (1586 – 1630) |
1. | Puer Natus in Bethlehem aus/from: Cantional, oder Gesang-Buch Augspurgischer Confession (Leipzig, 1627) |
0:34 |
2. | Ein Kind geborn zu Bethlehem (SSWV 292) aus/from: Samuel Scheidt Geistliche Konzerte III (Halle, 1635) |
7:18 |
3. | O Maria, gebenedeiet bist du unter den Weibern aus/from: Opella nova (Geistliche Konzerte, Leipzig, 1626). Dritte Abteilung |
5:50 |
4. | Nun komm der Heiden Heiland Strophe 1 aus/from: Opella nova (Geistliche Konzerte, Leipzig, 1618). Erste Abteilung Strophe 3, Strophe 8: Instrumental (Vorige Melodey in Contrapuncto) aus/from: Cantional, oder Gesang-Buch Augspurgischer Confession (Leipzig, 1627) |
3:59 |
5. | O Jesulein, mein Jesulein – prima parte | 2:57 |
6. | Ich bring dir mit – seconda parte aus/from: Opella nova (Geistliche Konzerte, Leipzig, 1626). Zweite Abteilung |
3:34 |
7. | Uns ist ein Kind geboren aus/from: Opella nova (Geistliche Konzerte, Leipzig, 1626). Zweite Abteilung |
5:08 |
8. | Lobt Gott, ihr Christen allzugleich Strophe 1 aus/from: Opella nova (Geistliche Konzerte, Leipzig, 1626). Zweite Abteilung Strophe 2, Strophe 3, Strophe 8 aus/from: Cantional, oder Gesang-Buch Augspurgischer Confession (Leipzig, 1627) |
3:32 |
9. | Quem vidistis pastores aus/from: Cymbalum Sionium (Cantiones Sacrae, Leipzig, 1615) |
7:06 |
10. | Maria, gegrüsset seist du, Holdselige aus/from: Opella nova (Geistliche Konzerte, Leipzig, 1626). Zweite Abteilung |
8:28 |
11. | Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her Instrumental aus/from: Opella nova (Geistliche Konzerte, Leipzig, 1618). Erste Abteilung Strophe 1: Instrumental Strophe 3, Strophe 6 (Vorige Melodey in Contrapuncto) aus/from: Cantional, oder Gesang-Buch Augspurgischer Confession (Leipzig, 1627) |
4:51 |
12. | Magnificat anima mea Dominum aus/from: Opella nova (Geistliche Konzerte, Leipzig, 1626). Dritte Abteilung |
8:09 |
Total time: | 1:01:34 |